Sergeant, Bangladesh Police Sergeant Job circular
Bangladesh Police Sergeant Job circular is available in this
website. Recently Bangladesh Police published it. Man and women can apply this
post. It is the vacant post. Health fitness & height will be must properly.
After completing health fitness & height will be a written test. Name of
post: Sergeant. Educational Qualification: Minimum Graduation Degree &
expert motor cycle driving & must be computer skill. For this post is age-
19 to 27 in 01.01.2017 & Freedom fighter candidate age 19 to 32 year old. Your
Height is 5 feet 8 inch chest size normal 32 inch & expand 34 inch. Freedom
fighter height: 5 feet 6 inch & chest size 30 inch, expand 32 inch. Female
candidate height: 5 feet 4 inch & weight according to height, Nationality-
Bangladeshi. Candidate must be unmarried & until unmarried to the education
period. more info next page-
Health fitness & exam place,
date & time are given bellow:
1. Dhaka, Mymensingh range: 13/02/2017, Rajarbag Police Lines, Dhaka
2. Chittagong, Shylhet Range: 14/02/2017, Rajarbag
Police Lines, Dhaka
3. Rajshahi, Rangpur Range: 15/02/2017, Rajarbag Police Lines, Dhaka
4. Khulna, Barisal Range: 16/02/2017, Rajarbag Police Lines, Dhaka
Health fitness check up day bring
with you a) Educational Certificate main copy, b) Last education Institute Head
from character certificate, c) Nationality certificate from UP Chairman/Councilor,
d) National Identity Card (if not it)/fathers or mothers NID Card. For freedom
fighter necessary document about freedom fighter identity, if you want to know
detail information then you can see bellow job circular, you must read
carefully every point to apply.
Fee: 300/- taka only treasury chalan
no: 1-2211-0000-2031 to pay Inspector General, Bangladesh Police, Dhaka
from any government lead bank such as Sonali Bank, Rupali Bank, Agrani Bank
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